Warning: Undefined array key "HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE" in /home/.sites/859/site2580643/web/index.php on line 62 WBIF International - Registered Players

After 10 Years WBIF the Annual fee is raised to 15 Euro - many updates coming up - thanks for support

Registered Players

No. Board Team Name Nickname BG Studio Heroes Entry fee
1. 1C Flag L`ancre Marseillaise L`ancre Marseillaise Flag France TC Christophe Gallot-Lavallee TipTop /
2. 2 Flag L`ancre Marseillaise L`ancre Marseillaise Flag France Tristan Remille AlSalik /
3. 3 Flag L`ancre Marseillaise L`ancre Marseillaise Flag France Eric Pinson EPX /
4. 4 Flag L`ancre Marseillaise L`ancre Marseillaise Flag France Gérard Sakislian Albus /
5. 5 Flag L`ancre Marseillaise L`ancre Marseillaise Flag France Cyril CORDRAY Laikastar /
6. 6 Flag L`ancre Marseillaise L`ancre Marseillaise Flag France Ouarda Bessila LaBaronne /
7. 7 Flag L`ancre Marseillaise L`ancre Marseillaise Flag France Mirgena Korbi Yuka /
8. 1C Flag Videau fencer Videau fencer Flag France TC Geoffroy Menez GeoFR /
9. 2 Flag Videau fencer Videau fencer Flag France Arthur Menez Arthurox /
10. 3 Flag Videau fencer Videau fencer Flag France Anthony Korn AnthonyPop /
11. 4 Flag Videau fencer Videau fencer Flag France Steeve Korn Tiiive /
12. 5 Flag Videau fencer Videau fencer Flag France Marc Wainberg marcow777 /
13. 6 Flag Videau fencer Videau fencer Flag France Adrien Touati adrien75116 /
14. 7 Flag Videau fencer Videau fencer Flag France Michel Chabrol mickeygammon /
15. 1C Flag La rochelle 1 La rochelle 1 Flag France TC Stephane Cheneviere LtDrogo /
16. 2 Flag La rochelle 1 La rochelle 1 Flag France Julie Thabault julie /
17. 3 Flag La rochelle 1 La rochelle 1 Flag France Tania Klimova PrimeMinister /
18. 4 Flag La rochelle 1 La rochelle 1 Flag France Philippe Vouhe TDM06 /
19. 5 Flag La rochelle 1 La rochelle 1 Flag France Christophe Nadeau Xtov /
20. 1C Flag Toulouse 1 Toulouse 1 Flag France TC Thierry Baudry djinn31 /
21. 2 Flag Toulouse 1 Toulouse 1 Flag France Antoine Blond Wojak /
22. 3 Flag Toulouse 1 Toulouse 1 Flag France Pierre Zakia pierrez /
23. 4 Flag Toulouse 1 Toulouse 1 Flag France Theo Vivier Xaero /
24. 5 Flag Toulouse 1 Toulouse 1 Flag France Thomas Signorel oscaramel /
25. 6 Flag Toulouse 1 Toulouse 1 Flag France Thomas Bourreau Tomb /
26. 1C Flag Romans sur Isere 1 Romans sur Isere 1 Flag France TC Marc Wolkowicz Volcar /
27. 2 Flag Romans sur Isere 1 Romans sur Isere 1 Flag France Christophe Antonietti golgitok /
28. 3 Flag Romans sur Isere 1 Romans sur Isere 1 Flag France Emmanuel Lardy mano /
29. 4 Flag Romans sur Isere 1 Romans sur Isere 1 Flag France Veronique Chomaz Dehon Dahue_senestre /
30. 5 Flag Romans sur Isere 1 Romans sur Isere 1 Flag France Nicolas PAOLI Nico3879 /
31. 1C Flag Videau Rolling cube Videau Rolling cube Flag France TC Patrice DeSainteMarie Patapon22 /
32. 2 Flag Videau Rolling cube Videau Rolling cube Flag France James MacNaughtan jamesm /
33. 3 Flag Videau Rolling cube Videau Rolling cube Flag France Etienne Hostachy Pistache11 /
34. 4 Flag Videau Rolling cube Videau Rolling cube Flag France Francois Tissot ftissot /
35. 5 Flag Videau Rolling cube Videau Rolling cube Flag France Romain Nourry Romain /
36. 6 Flag Videau Rolling cube Videau Rolling cube Flag France Nicolas Sekri nicosek /
37. 7 Flag Videau Rolling cube Videau Rolling cube Flag France Gildas Bouilland tikub /
38. 1C Flag Breizh Gammon 1 Breizh Gammon 1 Flag France TC Gildas Racape Edzio /
39. 2 Flag Breizh Gammon 1 Breizh Gammon 1 Flag France Jerome Poirier BGBreizh /
40. 3 Flag Breizh Gammon 1 Breizh Gammon 1 Flag France Maxime Peytavin PennGouin /
41. 4 Flag Breizh Gammon 1 Breizh Gammon 1 Flag France Antoine Krier TonioBombardo /
42. 5 Flag Breizh Gammon 1 Breizh Gammon 1 Flag France Francois-Xavier Duny Bugs /
43. 1C Flag Bordeaux 1 Bordeaux 1 Flag France TC Valery Smague vsmague /
44. 2 Flag Bordeaux 1 Bordeaux 1 Flag France Emmanuelle Hardouin Duparc Emma13 /
45. 3 Flag Bordeaux 1 Bordeaux 1 Flag France Michel Moll corroli /
46. 4 Flag Bordeaux 1 Bordeaux 1 Flag France Christophe Malherbe monsieurdit /
47. 5 Flag Bordeaux 1 Bordeaux 1 Flag France Arnaud Clairembourg funnyfrench /
48. 1C Flag Lyon 1 Lyon 1 Flag France TC Jennifer Meskel diamjenny /
49. 2 Flag Lyon 1 Lyon 1 Flag France Farid AL CHAKTI MrFfed87 /
50. 3 Flag Lyon 1 Lyon 1 Flag France Erik Elfassy Erico /
51. 4 Flag Lyon 1 Lyon 1 Flag France Glafkos Georgiou Glafkos /
52. 1C Flag Clermont Billom 1 Clermont Billom 1 Flag France TC Raphael Rosalba Ablasor /
53. 2 Flag Clermont Billom 1 Clermont Billom 1 Flag Monaco Pierre Svara nando /
54. 3 Flag Clermont Billom 1 Clermont Billom 1 Flag France Yann Hache Blund2 /
55. 4 Flag Clermont Billom 1 Clermont Billom 1 Flag France Simon Ayzac Kayzaco /
56. 5 Flag Clermont Billom 1 Clermont Billom 1 Flag France Guillaume Galle stilgu /
57. 1C Flag Nantes 1 Nantes 1 Flag France TC Bertrand Corbel bertrand44 /
58. 2 Flag Nantes 1 Nantes 1 Flag France Olivier Marchand olivier44 /
59. 3 Flag Nantes 1 Nantes 1 Flag France Guillaume Michel-Paludan guillaumemp /
60. 4 Flag Nantes 1 Nantes 1 Flag France Etienne Pailleret donquiche /
61. 5 Flag Nantes 1 Nantes 1 Flag France Antoine MITEAUD frrstgmp /
62. 6 Flag Nantes 1 Nantes 1 Flag United Kingdom Robert Sylvain Syllau44 /
63. 7 Flag Nantes 1 Nantes 1 Flag France Clement Bahuaud Gammonyou /
64. 1C Flag Videau Backgamins Videau Backgamins Flag France TC Oscar Fuchs oscar005 /
65. 2 Flag Videau Backgamins Videau Backgamins Flag France Nicolas Harmand PanacheRating /
66. 3 Flag Videau Backgamins Videau Backgamins Flag France Kevin Unger postmanpat /
67. 4 Flag Videau Backgamins Videau Backgamins Flag France Valentin Marotte Gamster /
68. 5 Flag Videau Backgamins Videau Backgamins Flag France David Freidenberg Gammondorf /
69. 1C Flag Toulouse 2 Toulouse 2 Flag France TC Jean ASSEMAT Aerosmith31 /
70. 2 Flag Toulouse 2 Toulouse 2 Flag France Xavier Chanut XAVIER31 /
71. 3 Flag Toulouse 2 Toulouse 2 Flag France Paul COLIN c_p_b /
72. 4 Flag Toulouse 2 Toulouse 2 Flag France Yves Anguenot Jan31 /
73. 5 Flag Toulouse 2 Toulouse 2 Flag France PHILIPPE CABARROT Rackham /
74. 6 Flag Toulouse 2 Toulouse 2 Flag France Patricia Lethingoc lethi /
75. 7 Flag Toulouse 2 Toulouse 2 Flag France Reza Rahjooye Monfared rezarahjooye /
76. 1C Flag Lemovice 1 Lemovice 1 Flag France TC Ibrahima Guillard Polaris /
77. 2 Flag Lemovice 1 Lemovice 1 Flag France Katalin Krajnyak Napsugarlany /
78. 3 Flag Lemovice 1 Lemovice 1 Flag France Evan Bourgnon Evan Bourgnon /
79. 4 Flag Lemovice 1 Lemovice 1 Flag France Alain Akoum aakoum /
80. 1C Flag Lille 1 Lille 1 Flag France TC Frederic Libert Arkhimedes /
81. 2 Flag Lille 1 Lille 1 Flag France Catherine Bogaert Inception /
82. 3 Flag Lille 1 Lille 1 Flag France Francois HOCHEDE Hochede /
83. 4 Flag Lille 1 Lille 1 Flag France Bernard Bailleul DocChou /
84. 5 Flag Lille 1 Lille 1 Flag France Herve DESAILLY Pyrrhus /
85. 6 Flag Lille 1 Lille 1 Flag France Francois Lenoir flenoir /
86. 1C Flag Broceliande BG Club Broceliande BG Club Flag France TC John Gallagher Palimpsest /
87. 3 Flag Broceliande BG Club Broceliande BG Club Flag France Larry Gallagher steadilg /
88. 3 Flag Broceliande BG Club Broceliande BG Club Flag France Gerard Hochet Rickhochet /
89. 4 Flag Broceliande BG Club Broceliande BG Club Flag France Claude Hochet Touline /
90. 5 Flag Broceliande BG Club Broceliande BG Club Flag France Vincent Hochet Tanazis /