29.03.2021 - Win & Skill Tourney - Romania
7 rounds swiss - quatruple elimination!!
The tournament starts on 01.May.2021.
Matchlength 13 points.
For each played Match players receive one point for winning and one point if pr - difference is higher than1.
If pr difference is between 0 and 1 this formula will be used: 0,5+-(Pr-Differenz/2)
The seven top-ranked participants of the tournament are qualified for Team World Championship in trier!
each round will be made seperate draw.
As defeat only count loosing the Match.
Video is obligatory!
The english WBIF-rules are apllied.
Applications to the tournament possible from now on till 01.05.2021 by using the registration form on the website. Questions about the tournament please send via e-mail to the tournament director.